Monday, January 7, 2013

Carnations and Collision: Creating an Unforgettable Experience

According to a recent study female drivers began to outnumber male drivers for the first time in history in 2010 (105.7 million to 104.3 million).  An incredible statistic considering that during the 1950’s only half of U.S. adult women possessed a driver’s license. [1] Because of this our teams began to take a closer look at our customer base and quickly realized that nearly 50% of those that walked through our doors were female which made us rethink our approach to customer service, at least for half of our customer base.

Automobile accidents are never easy and almost never convenient for those involved. The thought of getting the automobile repaired, dealing with insurance companies and making time to visit body shops typically produces anxiety, stress and annoyance. Because of this we have decided to introduce a new program to help many of our customers feel better about the repair experience.

Lucile and her carnation.
Meet Lucile, a customer of Rocco’s who recently visited our Blackwood campus to pick up her vehicle. As you can see, Lucile is holding a beautiful red carnation given to her by Jack Cordoves, the manager at Blackwood. Lucile is one of over two hundred customers to have received a carnation upon visiting one of our five locations.  Introduced in the fall of 2012, the program has been so successful that our managers have insisted that it remain a permanent fixture in our approach to delivering exceptional customer service.

If you’ve received a carnation at one of our locations please let us know what you thought of the experience. We’re excited to help our customers through the stress of the collision repair experience and realize that this small gesture won't remove the pain associated with the repair process, we think it will allow our customers to breathe a little easier when visiting our shops. Although we hope that you never have a reason to visit one of our shops, if you do we will make sure that your experience is comfortable and perhaps unforgettable.

Brian Riggs


1 comment:

  1. MaryJane's Flowers in Berlin NJ would like to say Thank You to Rocco's Collision for allowing us to be apart of their carnation program.
    As for the flowers, it is a proven fact that they can help in any stressful situation (we know how stressful it can be to get your car repaired).The presence of flowers triggers happy emotions, heightens feelings of life satisfaction and affects social behavior in a positive manner far beyond what is normally believed. This is a direct excerpt from a Rutgers University study.
