Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Keeping Promises to Your Customers

Last night our team attended our monthly team meetings and discussed how we can continue to improve upon our customer service. We discussed the following four characteristics associated with delivering exceptional customer service: keeping promises, active listening, attitude and the power of persuasion.
Although each area drew an equal amount of participation it was the discussion around keeping promises that interested our team most.  In the end, we discovered three basic elements that every person in our centers should know - (1) As a member of the company, you are the expert and the curator of the customer experience (2) that the most important thing any member of any company can do is to deliver proper expectations (3) and that every effort should be made to keep any promise made to the customer.

In order to drive home the point of keeping the promise to the customer we used the following clip from a Seinfeld episode which proved to be a great way to convey the message. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did and as a customer please know that we are continuously trying to improve our service to you.

Brian John Riggs

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